Healing through Dance/Movement Psychotherapy, Women & Girls Circles, and Herbal Living
Ancestor & Birthday Ritual Dance & Party
Sat, Oct 24
|Location will be given upon registration
We will meet 10/24 live from 4-10 pm in Brewster, NY. As we enter the darker days and longer nights let us nourish in the steps of the ancient ones who's wisdom is essential and much needed now. Let's circle dance around the fire.

Time & Location
Oct 24, 2020, 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT
Location will be given upon registration
About the Event
we will meet live, socially distanced and with masks, we are dancing around the old Mama Maple and a bonfire on 10/24 to celebrate and honor this time of ancestors and shadows. You are welcome to both together or either individually.
I have lovely dances to share and I so would love to dance, distanced with you. I've been dancing virtually with my mentor and friend Laura Shannon and the deepening of medicine in the dances has inspired me. All with the wisdom and messages of communal support, honoring the matriarchal, resilience through hard times, finding home in ourselves, the earth as our mother, the cosmic order as medicine, and so much more. I truly feel how the dances, even dancing "alone" has healed, transformed and changed me.
The greatest antidote to all the enormous challenges and despair around us and in us is coming together as an embodied community, sharing in good whole food, holding each other and all we are in circle aligning with all circles everywhere and the patterns of the universe. I hope you join me in this circle, as all of our ancestors did, dancing sacred patterns, in synchrony, holding each other through the whole mystery and madness of it all. We will be celebrating and honoring our ancestors..
We will be dancing traditional Balkan, Greek, Rom, Armenian, and modern sacred circle dances. Throughout all ages and cultures, traditional circle dances were used to honor the divine, to heal, to affirm connection to the earth and each other, to build community and celebrate rites of passages and life transitions. The danced patterns illuminate the web of these connections. It is where personal and universal healing can occur.
The dances are joyful, meditative, mournful, full of beauty, longing, life, and celebration!
Potluck, bring something to share!
10/24 4-10pm Live
address will be given upon registration.
or Venmo me at nadakhodlova@gmail.com
or register through my website.
For 10/23 or 10/24
$15.00Sale ended10/23 & 10/24
This ticket is for both Friday evening Virtual and Saturday Live event.
$25.00Sale ended